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Evo/lution en français ?

#1Messageil y a 9 ans


Ci-joint english.trans, ne l'ayant jamais utillsé, pour confirmation que c'est bien celui-ci:

## English Translation File      
## Written by Carl Duff for Evo/Lution Linux (13th December 2014)

# Please wait...
_PlsWaitBody="\nPlease wait...\n\n"

# Error Messages. All others are generated by BASH.
_ErrTitle=" Error "
_ErrNoMount="\nPartition(s) must be mounted first.\n\n"
_ErrNoBase="\nThe Arch base must be installed first.\n\n"

# Vbox Installations
_VBoxInstTitle=" VirtualBox Installation "
_VBoxInstBody="\nIf for any reason the VirtualBox guest modules do not load for the installed system (e.g. low resolution and scrollbars after booting), a one-off series of commands will fix this:\n\n$ su\n# depmod -a\n# modprobe -a vboxvideo vboxguest vboxsf\n# reboot"

# Select Wireless Firmware Driver(s)
_InstWirelessFirm="Install Wireless Device Firmware"
_WirelssFirmTitle=" Select Wireless Device Firmware "
_WirelssFirmBody="\nSome wireless devices require additional firmware to be installed in order to work.\n\nWhere unsure if additional firmware is required - or which to select - then all of them can be installed."
_SeeWirelessDev="Display Wireless Device (optional)"
_WirelessShowTitle=" Wireless Device "
_WirelessErrBody="\nNone Detected."

# Select Config Files
_SeeConfOpt="Review Configuration Files (optional)"
_SeeConfOptTitle=" Configuration Files "
_SeeConfOptBody="\nSelect any file listed below to be reviewed or amended.\n"
_SeeConfErrTitle=" Review Error "
_SeeConfErrBody1="\nFile does not exist.\n\n"
_SeeConfErrBody2="\nThe Base System must be installed first.\n\n"

# Pacman
_PrepPacKey="Refresh Pacman Keys (optional)"

# Logical Volume Management
_PrepLVM="Logical Volume Management (optional)"

_LvmDetTitle=" LVM Detected "
_LvmDetBody1="\nExisting Logical Volume Management (LVM) has been detected. Partitions already used for LVM cannot be selected. Do you wish to de-active existing LVM?\n\nSelect 'Yes' to remove existing LVM.\nSelect 'No' to keep it.\n"
_LvmRmTitle=" Deactivating LVM "
_LvmDetBody2="\nExisting Logical Volume Management (LVM) detected. Activating. Please Wait...\n\n"
_LvmRmBody="\nDeactivating all existing Physical Volumes (PV), Volume Groups (VG), and Logical Volumes (LV).\n\nPlease wait...\n\n"

_LvmPartErrTitle=" LVM Partition Error "
_LvmPartErrBody="\nThere are no viable partitions available to use for Logical Volume Management. A minimum of one is required.\n\nIf LVM is already in use, deactivating it will allow the partition(s) used for its Physical Volume(s) to be used again.\n\n"

_LvmNameVgTitle=" LVM - Name Volume Group "
_LvmNameVgBody="\nEnter the name of the Volume Group (VG) to create.\n\nThe VG is the new 'virtual device / hard-disk' to create out of the partition(s) selected next.\n"

_LvmNameVgErrTitle=" LVM - VG Name Error "
_LvmNameVgErr="\nInvalid Name Entered. The Volume Group name may be alpha-numeric, but may not contain spaces, start with a '/', or already be in use.\n\n"

_LvmPvSelTitle=" LVM - Select Partitions "
_LvmPvSelBody="\nSelect the partition(s) to use for the Physical Volume (PV).\n"
_LvmPvCreateTitle=" LVM - Parition Added "

_LvmPvConfTitle=" LVM - Create Volume Group "
_LvmPvConfBody1="\nConfirm creation of Volume Group "
_LvmPvConfBody2="with the following partitions:\n\n"

_LvmPvActTitle=" LVM - Creating VG "
_LvmPvActBody1="\nCreating and activating Volume Group "
_LvmPvActBody2="\n\nPlease wait...\n\n"

_LvmPvDoneTitle=" LVM - VG Created "
_LvmPvDoneBody1="\nVolume Group "
_LvmPvDoneBody2="has been created"

_LvmLvNumTitle=" LVM - Create Logical Volumes "
_LvmLvNumBody1="\nEnter the number of Logical Volumes (LVs) to create in "
_LvmLvNumBody2="Minimum is 1, maximum is 9.\n\nLVs are essentially partitions. The last (or only) LV will automatically use 100% of the remaining space in the Volume Group."

_LvmLvNumErrTitle=" LVM - LV Number Error "
_LvmLvNumErrBody="\nInvalid Number entered. Minimum is 1, maximum is 9.\n\n"

_LvmLvNameTitle=" LVM - Name LV "
_LvmLvNameBody1="\nEnter the name of the Logical Volume (LV) to create.\n\nThis is like setting a name / label for a partition.\n"
_LvmLvNameBody2="\nNOTE: This LV will automatically use up all space remaining on the Volume Group"

_LvmLvNameErrTitle=" LVM - Name LV Error "
_LvmLvNameErrBody="\nInvalid Name Entered. The Logical Volume (LV) name may be alpha-numeric, but may not contain spaces or be preceeded with a '/'.\n\n"

_LvmLvSizeTitle=" LVM - Set LV Size "
_LvmLvSizeBody2="\n\nEnter the size of the Logical Volume (LV) in Megabytes (M) or Gigabytes (G). For example, 100M will create a 100 Megabyte LV. 10G will create a 10 Gigabyte LV.\n"

_LvmLvSizeErrTitle=" LVM - Set LV Size Error "
_LvmLvSizeErrBody="\nInvalid value Entered. A numeric value must be entered with an 'M' (Megabytes) or a 'G' (Gigabytes) at the end.\n\nExamples include, 100M, 10G, or 250M. The value may also not be equal to or greater than the remaining size of the VG.\n\n"

_LvmLvDoneTitle=" LVM - Logical Volume Created "

_LvmCompTitle=" LVM - Process Complete "
_LvmCompBody="\nDone! All Logical Volumes have been created for the Volume Group.\n\nDo you wish to view the new LVM scheme?\n\n"

# Show devices and partitions
_DevShowTitle=" Devices / Partitions "
_DevShowOpt="List Devices (optional)"

# Check Evo Requirements and Identify System Type
_ChkEvoTitle=" Checking Evo Requirements "
_ChkEvoBody="\nChecking installer has been run as root and that there is an active internet connection. Please wait...\n\n"

_RtFailTitle=" Root Failure "
_RtFailBody="\nThe installer must be run as root. Exiting.\n\n"

_ConFailTitle=" Connection Failure "
_ConFailBody="\nInternet connection test failed. Exiting.\n\n"

_ReqMetTitle=" Requirements Met "
_ReqMetBody="\nAll checks passed! \n\n"

_UefiDet="UEFI System Detected"
_BiosDet="BIOS System Detected"

# Installer Mirrorlist
_MirrorlistTitle=" Mirrorlist "
_MirrorlistBody="\nThe mirrorlist contains server addresses used by pacman to install packages. They are accessed by pacman in the order listed.\n\n"
_MirrorbyCountry="Generate list by Country"
_MirrorEdit="Manually edit mirrorlist"

# Generate Mirrorlist by country
_MirrorCntryTitle=" Select Country "
_MirrorCntryBody="\nA list of mirrors by the selected country will be generated.\n\nOnce reviewed, you can choose to use it or not."
_MirrorGenTitle=" Generating Mirrorlist "
_MirrorGenBody="\nGenerating a mirrorlist. Please wait... "
_MirrorGenQ="Use generated mirrorlist for installer?"
_MirrorGenDone="\nDone! Original Mirrorlist has been saved as:\n\n/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.orig\n\n"

# Set Keymap (vconsole)
_KeymapTitle=" Select Keymap "
_KeymapBody="\nUse the [pg up] and [pg dwn] keys for navigation, or press the first letter of the keymap if known."

# Set Xkbmap (environment)
_XkbmapTitle=" Select xkbmap "
_XkbmapBody="Select Keyboard Layout"

# Set Locale
_LocateTitle=" Select locale "
_localeBody="Select A Locale"

# Set Timezone
_TimeZTitle=" Select Time Zone "
_TimeZBody="\nThe time zone is used to correctly set your system clock."
_TimeSubZTitle=" Select Time Sub-Zone "
_TimeSubZBody="\nSelect the city nearest to you."
_TimeZQ="Set Time Zone as"

# Set Hardware Clock
_HwCTitle=" Set Hardware Clock "
_HwCBody="\nUTC is the universal time standard, and is recommended unless dual-booting with Windows."
_HwLocal="Local Time"

# Generate FSTAB
_FstabTitle=" Generate FSTAB "
_FstabBody="\nThe FSTAB file (File System TABle) sets what storage devices and partitions are to be mounted, and how they are to be used.\n\nUUID/PARTUUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) is recommended.\n\nIf no labels were set for the partitions earlier, device names will be used for the label option."
_FstabDev="Dev (partition code)"
_FstabLabel="Label (user defined)"
_FstabUUID="UUID/PARTUUID (unique code)"

# Check FSTAB
_FstabChkTitle=" Check FSTAB "
_FstabChkBody="\nPlease check the FSTAB file, before closing it to continue.\n\n"

# Set Hostname
_HostNameTitle=" Configure Host Name "
_HostNameBody="\nThe host name is used to identify the system on a network.\n\nIt is restricted to alphanumeric characters, can contain a hyphen (-) - but not at the start or end - and must be no longer than 63 characters.\n"

# Set Root Password
_PassRtTitle=" Set Root Password "
_PassRtBody="\nEnter Root password\n\n"
_PassRtBody2="\nRe-enter Root password\n\n"

# Root Password Error
_PassRtErrTitle=" Root Password Error "
_PassRtErrBody="\nThe Root passwords entered do not match. Please try again.\n\n"

# Create New User
_NUsrTitle=" Create New User "
_NUsrBody="\nEnter the user name. Letters MUST be lower case.\n"

# Username Error
_NUsrErrTitle=" User Name Error "
_NUsrErrBody="\nAn incorrect user name was entered. Please try again.\n\n"

# Set User Password
_PassNUsrTitle=" Set User Password "
_PassNUsrBody="\nEnter password for"
_PassNUsrBody2="\nRe-enter password for"

# Create New User
_NUsrSetTitle=" Setting User "
_NUsrSetBody="\nCreating User and setting groups...\n\n"

# User Password Error
_PassNUsrErrTitle=" User Password Error "
_PassNUsrErrBody="\nThe User passwords entered do not match. Please try again.\n\n"

# Mounting (Partitions)
_MntStatusTitle=" Mount Status "
_MntStatusSucc="\nMount Successful!\n\n"
_MntStatusFail="\nMount Failed!\n\n"

# Select Device (installation)
_DevSelTitle=" Select Device "
_DevSelBody="\nDevices (/dev) are available hard-disks and USB-sticks to install on. The first is /sda, the second /sdb, and so on.\n\nWhere using a USB-stick to boot Evo, be careful as it will also be listed!"

# Select Device (Grub) - seperate body text is not required (uses standard device selection text)
_DevSelGrubTitle=" Select Grub Device "

# Partitioning Tool
_PartToolTitle=" Partitioning Tool "
_PartToolBody="\nGParted is a recommended user-friendly graphical tool that supports both BIOS and UEFI systems.\n\nDO NOT select a UEFI/GPT-only partitioning tool for a BIOS/MBR system as this could cause serious problems, including an unbootable installation."

# UEFI Partitioning Error
_UefiPartErrTitle=" UEFI Partitioning Error "
_UefiPartErrBody="\nUEFI systems require a minimum of two partitions for installation (ROOT and UEFI).\n\nPlease configure your partitions.\n\n"

# BIOS Partitioning Error
_BiosPartErrTitle=" BIOS Partitioning Error "
_BiosPartErrBody="\nBIOS systems require a minmum of one partition for installation (ROOT).\n\nPlease configure your partitions."

# File System
_FSTitle=" Choose Filesystem "
_FSBody="\nExt4 is recommended. Not all filesystems are viable for Root or Boot partitions. All have different features and limitations."
_FSSkip="Skip / None"

# Select Root
_SelRootTitle=" Select ROOT Partition "
_SelRootBody="\nThis is the partition where Arch will be installed."

# Select SWAP
_SelSwpTitle=" Select SWAP Partition "
_SelSwpBody="\nIf using a Swapfile, it will be the same size as your RAM."

# Select UEFI
_SelUefiTitle=" Select UEFI Partition "
_SelUefiBody="\nThis is a special partition for booting UEFI systems."

# Format UEFI
_FormUefiTitle=" UEFI Partition "
_FormUefiBody="The UEFI partition"
_FormUefiBody2="has already been formatted.\n\nReformat? Doing so will erase ALL data already on that partition.\n\n"

# UEFI Options
_OptUefiTitle=" UEFI Mountpoint Options "
_OptUefiBody="\nThe bootloader(s) that can be installed later will depend on where the UEFI partition is mounted.\n\n- Grub2 has no UEFI mount preference.\n- Gummiboot (recommended) requires mount at /boot.\n- rEFInd requires mount at /boot/efi.\n\nNOTE: rEFInd with LVM is not supported, and installations must be updated manually. rEFInd is therefore recommended for experienced users.\n"

# UEFI Mountpoint
_MntUefiTitle=" Select UEFI Mountpoint "
_MntUefiBody="\nGummiboot (recommended) requires /boot, rEFInd requires /boot/efi, and Grub will work with either."

# Extra Partitions
_ExtPartTitle=" Select Additional Partition "
_ExtPartBody="\nSelect additional partitions in any order, or 'Done' to finish."

# Name Extra Partitions
_ExtNameTitle=" Name Partition:"
_ExtNameBodyUefi="\nExamples include: /home or /var.\n\nEnsure the name is preceeded by a forward slash (/)."  # UEFI Systems
_ExtNameBodyBios="\nExamples include: /boot or /home.\n\nEnsure the name is preceeded by a forward slash (/)." # BIOS Systems

# Extra Partition Naming Error
_ExtErrTitle=" Partition Name Error "
_ExtErrBody="\nPartition cannot be mounted. A name must be given after a forward slash.\n\n"

# Install Base
_InstBseTitle=" Install Base "
_InstBseBody="\nThe latest kernel supports newer hardware. The LTS kernel is more stable, and is supported far longer.\n\nThe base-devel package group will be required to use the Arch User Repository (AUR)."
_InstBaseLK="Latest Kernel"
_InstBaseLKBD="Latest Kernel & base-devel"
_InstBaseLTS="LTS Kernel"
_InstBaseLTSBD="LTS Kernel & base-devel"

# Install Wireless Packages
_InstWirTitle=" Wireless Device Detected "
_InstWirBody="\nInstalling supplementary wireless packages...\n\n"

# Install BIOS Bootloader
_InstBiosBtTitle=" Install BIOS Bootloader "
_InstBiosBtBody="\nGrub2 is recommended for beginners. The installation device can also be selected.\n\nSyslinux is a lighter and simpler alternative, usually used to boot Linux installation media. It will only work with 'ext' filesystems, however."

# Grub Installation
_InstGrubDevTitle=" Select Grub Device "
_InstGrubDevBody="\nInstall Grub on the same device/hard-drive as Root"
_InstGrubDevBody2="\n\nPick 'Yes' if you are only installing on one device."

# Syslinux Installation
_InstSysTitle=" Syslinux Configuration Check "
_InstSysBody="\nPlease check the syslinux configuration file.\n\nIt should contain the command:\n"

# Install UEFI Bootloader
_InstUefiBtTitle=" Install UEFI Bootloader "
_InstUefiBtBody="\n- Grub2 has no UEFI mount preference.\n- Gummiboot requires mount at /boot.\n- rEFInd requires mount at /boot/efi.\n\nNOTE: rEFInd with LVM is not supported."

# Set UEFI Grub as default
_SetGrubDefTitle=" Set Grub as Default Bootloader? "
_SetGrubDefBody="\nSome UEFI firmware may not detect Grub unless it is set as the default bootloader, resulting in an unbootable system in such instances.\n\nDo you wish to set Grub as the default bootloader?\n\nIt is recommended to select 'Yes', especially for beginners. This will copy the bootable grubx64.efi stub to"
_SetGrubDefBody2="and rename it to bootx64.efi, as required.\n\nOtherwise select 'No', particularly if there is already a default bootloader, and/or where intending to use multiple bootloaders."

# Gummiboot Configuration Check
_ChkGumTitle=" Gummiboot Configuration Check "
_ChkGumBody="\nPlease check the arch and loader configuration files before closing them to continue.\n"

# Set rEFInd as default
_SetRefiDefTitle=" Set rEFInd as Default Bootloader? "
_SetRefiDefBody="\nSome UEFI firmware may not detect rEFInd unless it is set as the default bootloader, resulting in an unbootable system in such instances.\n\nDo you wish to set rEFInd as the default bootloader?\n\nIt is recommended to select 'Yes', especially for beginners. This will install rEFInd to"
_SetRefiDefBody2="with the bootx64.efi stub required.\n\nOtherwise select 'No', particularly if there is already a default bootloader, and/or where intending to use multiple bootloaders."

# efi file set for Grub or Refind
_SetDefDoneTitle=" UEFI File Copied "
_SetDefDoneBody="has been set as the default bootloader.\n\n"

# rEFInd Mountpoint error
_RefiErrTitle=" rEFInd UEFI Mountpoint "
_RefiErrBody="\nThe rEFInd installation script will not work unless the UEFI partition has been mounted to /boot/efi. Please select either Gummiboot (recommended) or Grub.\n\n"

# ALSA, Xorg, Input
_AXITitle=" ALSA, Xorg, and Input "
_AXIBody="\nBefore installing graphics card driver(s) or desktop environments, other packages are needed first:\n\nalsa - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture\nxorg-* - open-source X window system for graphics\nxf86-input-* - open-source drivers for input devices\n\n"

# Graphics Card Menu
_GCtitle=" Graphics Card Menu "
_GCBody="Pick Nouveau for older NVIDIA cards. If your card is not listed, pick 'Unknown / Generic'.\n"
_GCUnknOpt="Unknown / Generic"

# NVIDIA Configruation Check
_NvidiaConfTitle=" NVIDIA Configuration Check "
_NvidiaConfBody="\nA basic NVIDIA configuration file has been created. Please check it before closing to continue.\n"

# Graphics Card Detection
_GCDetBody="\nIs your graphics card"
_GCDetBody2="-Select 'Yes' to install its OPEN-SOURCE driver.\n\n-Select 'No' to open the graphics card menu, which includes proprietary NVIDIA drivers."

#  Install DE Info
_DEInfoTitle=" Install Desktop Environments "
_DEInfoBody="\nThis option can be repeated to install multiple environments.\n\nGnome, KDE, and LXDE come with a display manager.\n\nCinnamon, Gnome and KDE come with a Network Manager.\n\n"

# Install DE Menu
_InstDETitle=" Install Desktop Environments  "
_InstDEBody="\nDesktop Environments are listed first, and may have multiple download options.\n\nKDE is a 750MB+ download."

# Install Common Packages
_InstComTitle=" Install Common Packages? "
_InstComBody="\nSome environments require common files to be installed, particularly for permissions, creation of home folders, and file manager functionality.\n\nPackages include: xterm, xdg-user-dirs, gksu, gnome-keyring, polkit, gvfs, and the gnome-icon-theme, etc. Those installing the full KDE desktop alone will not need to install these.\n\nInstall these packages? This option will only be presented ONCE.\n\n"

_DmKdeTitle=" KDM Enabled "
_DmKdeBody="\nAs KDE has been installed, its native display manager - KDM - has now been enabled.\n\n"

_DmGdmTitle=" GDM Enabled "
_DmGdmBody="\nAs Gnome has been installed, its native display manager - GDM - has now been enabled.\n\n"

# KDM and GDM Installed
_DmChTitle=" Choose GDM or KDM "
_DmChBody="\nBoth Gnome and KDE have been installed. Please select your preferred display manager.\n\n"

# KDM or GDM Choice Made
_DmDoneTitle="Enabled "
_DMDoneBody="has been enabled.\n\n"

_DmLxdmTitle=" LXDM Enabled "
_DmLxdmBody="\nAs LXDE has been installed, its native display manager - LXDM - has now been enabled.\n\n"

# LXDM or LightDM
_DmChoiceTitle=" Choose Display Manager "
_DmChoiceBody="\nPlease choose between LXDM or LightDM. LXDM is recommended for beginners.\n"

# DM Already Installed
_DmInstTitle=" Display Manager Installed "
_DmInstBody="\nA display manager has already been installed and enabled.\n\n"

# Network Manager
_InstNMTitle=" Choose Network Manager "
_InstNMBody="\nNetwork Manager is recommended, especially for wireless and PPPoE/DSL connections.\n"

# Network Manager Installed
_InstNMDoneTitle=" Network Manager Installed "
_InstNMDoneBody="\nThe network connection manager has been installed and enabled."

# Network Manager Already Installed (no need for seperate title)
_InstNMErrBody="\nA network connection manager has already been installed and enabled."

# Welcome
_WelTitle=" Welcome to"
_WelBody="\nHighlight options by pressing their numbers or by using the up/down arrow keys before pressing [enter] to confirm.\n\nSwitch between buttons by using [Tab] or the left/right arrow keys before pressing [enter] to confirm.\n\nA mouse/touchpad may also be used.\n"

# Preparation Menu
_PrepTitle=" Prepare Installation "
_PrepBody="\nThe desktop keyboard layout will be used for both the installer and - where installing a desktop environment - the installed system.\n"
_PrepKBLayout="Set Desktop Keyboard Layout"
_PrepMirror="Configure Installer Mirrorlist (optional)"
_PrepPartDisk="Partition Disk"
_PrepMntPart="Mount Partitions"

# Install Base Menu
_InstBsMenuTitle=" Install Base "
_InstBseMenuBody="\nIt will not be necessary to install a bootloader where installing alongside an existing Linux distro that uses Grub; just update its Grub instead."
_InstBse="Install Base"
_InstBootldr="Install Bootloader"

# Configure Base Menu
_ConfBseTitle=" Configure Base"
_ConfBseBody="\nBasic configuration of the base is required. This includes setting basic networking, time, language, and keyboard defaults for the installed system."
_ConfBseFstab="Generate FSTAB"
_ConfBseHost="Set Hostname"
_ConfBseTime="Set Timezone"
_ConfBseHWC="Set Hardware Clock"
_ConfBseSysLoc="Set System Locale"
_ConfBseVirtCon="Set Virtual Console"

# User Menu
_ConfUsrTitle=" Configure User(s)"
_ConfUsrBody="\nRoot is the default 'super-user' or 'admin' account. The same password can be set for both Root and any personal user accounts created."
_ConfUsrRoot="Set Root Password"
_ConfUsrNew="Add New User(s)"

# Desktop Menu
_InstDEMenuTitle=" Install Desktop "
_InstDEMenuBody="\nPrior to installing a desktop environment, graphics, input, and sound drivers MUST be installed first. This will include installing graphics card drivers."
_InstDEMenuGISD="Install Graphics, Input, and Sound Drivers"
_InstDEMenuDE="Install Desktop Environment(s)"
_InstDEMenuNM="Install Network Connection Manager"
_InstDEMenuDM="Install Display Manager / Login Screen"

# Main Menu
_MMTitle=" Main Menu "
_MMBody="\nEach step must be followed IN ORDER. Once complete, select 'Done' to properly finalise the installation.\n"
_MMPrep="Prepare Installation"
_MMInstBse="Install Base"
_MMConfBse="Configure Base"
_MMConfUsr="Configure User Account(s)"
_MMInstDE="Install Desktop(s)"
_MMRunMkinit="Run Mkinitcpio"

# Close Installer
_CloseInstBody="Close installer?"

Pour le french.trans à suivre (si c'est le bon), je suis un brin + réticent que Loubrix (& aussi occupé à autre chose) :siffle

Evo/lution en français ?

#2Messageil y a 9 ans

les sources du logiciel d'installation est sur github donc tu as la bonne rien de nouveau depuis le 13 décembre

Evo/lution en français ?

#3Messageil y a 9 ans

je l'avais trouvé dans l'iso en farfouillant un (gros) brin, mais comme tu l'as souligné, c'est bizarre qu'avec treize langues déjà dispos, la nôtre y soit pas déjà...
& les archers super bilingues, ils font quoi, ils ont peur que cela devienne trop facile, l'installation, pfuuu..?

Evo/lution en français ?

#4Messageil y a 9 ans

Faut proposer la traduction. Mais j'ignore si elle sera prise en compte. J'attends une nouvelle ISO pour voir les évolutions (oups !) de l'outil.

Evo/lution en français ?

#5Messageil y a 9 ans

Ouaip, dans le même ordre idée, je viens d'avoir une réponse négative & non argumentée de transiflex pour une proposition de ma part sur packagekit...
Je vais pas me battre non + pour aider, pfuuu...

Evo/lution en français ?

#6Messageil y a 9 ans

c'est pas toujours évident d'être "embauché", et ça se comprend: le dev ne parle pas ta langue et ne pourra donc pas contrôler ton travail, donc il doit te faire confiance pour te prendre comme traducteur, ce qui n'est pas évident s'il ne te connait pas.

NB: j'ai commencé Evo-Lution...

Evo/lution en français ?

#7Messageil y a 9 ans

fassil a écrit :non argumentée de transiflex pour une proposition de ma part

Pourtant l'équipe sur transiflex est proche de 0 ! bon si tu avais postulé sur transifex la ok; ils sont déjà 6 (vont bien le faire les 38 phrases :saispas: )